
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The University of Alabama wants me to go to their school. If only they had what I wanted…
Pretty disappointed in their Americanish Futbol lately. Auburn beat us by ONE FREAKING POINT!!! Come on Saban. 

On a lighter note, exactly five days left of school for this little gal. Oh how I wish I had my Nikon D3000 so I could really enjoy my Christmas break, but I must wait. Until then! I have this.

Now in this entry I just want to talk about how motherhood is so amazing. Even at such a young little age as mine. Seriously, nothing in this world could make me as happy as my son. 
When he wakes up, he gives me a big hug and says, "Momma, I love you! You're my best friend in the whole world."
How could that not melt your heart? He was the greatest birthday present I ever could have gotten for my sweet sixteen. I hate being away from him, always. I have to have him to snuggle with. And teaching him is my favorite. He is just this sweet little sponge. He's already learning some spanish. We just adore reading Dr. Suess, we have to read it every night before bedtime. 

I hope that every parent feels the same about their children. It's just the best warm and fuzzy feeling I get when I think about my little angel. I feel like he is absolutely what I was put on this planet for. 

On his past birthday I gave him Dr. Suess' "Oh baby, The Places You'll Go."
It did make me cry, but a good little cry. Haha. I can't believe my baby is growing up so quickly. 

I sincerely hope that other parents take into consideration their child's education, like very seriously. Because you shouldn't leave it all up to these "teachers" in public schools. I understand that not everyone has a stay-at-home kinda life to be able to homeschool them. But you have time when you are home with them and that time should be spent studying with them and interacting. Play Scrabble with them to increase their spelling skills. (My favorite game) Most importantly, smile at your children! Be happy and always have a positive attitude and outlook on life and it will rub off on them. 

I don't know everything there is to know about parenthood by any means, but I know what children want in a parent. It's elementary, my dear Watson.

Have a great day! Remember to smile a lot! 
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By the way, I recently read this book. It will change you. It really made me want to be a child advocate and counselor. Anything to help the children. I would suggest picking up one of these copies. Dave Pelzer's story is truly amazing in a horrible way, but he is a much better person now and I think he sets an amazing example for what people can survive.

Kudos Dave!


Monday, November 29, 2010

Subject Threeish

So I just witnessed a man driving down my street quite fast on what I could tell was a tractor. No, it was not for a company either like Degussa or Aspludh or however you spell it. It was definitely farmer Brown. 

Now, I am doing this instead of my math homework because, I am passing that class and math is just irrelevant to my major. It's the only math class I have to take and my teacher is just a robot with two different colored eyes. I bet she's an alien. That makes me want to read my favorite alien book ever. ESCAPE FROM THE TWISTED PLANET, that is. You should totally go buy it and read it. Um, it's a really old book by the way so it may be sorta hard to locate.

Tomorrow I must go back to school (and of course it's going to be raining! :() For like two weeks then I will be officially done with my first semester of college! I know I announced that in my last entry, but who cares I'm excited to have completed something successfully for once!

Enough about moui, it's time to talk about some of my neighbors, because hey everybody has crazy neighbors right?

Okay, so this couple never ever has any friends or family or anybody for that matter visit them. I know it sounds sad and all, but hey if I could do that.. Probably wouldn't hear too many stories from me. 

Well, my family comes to visit for every holiday. And pretty often in between they come hang out 'cause they love us so much. HA.
Whenever we have company, my neighbors start to throw these passive aggressive temper tantrums. Oh, what do you I mean by that you ask? They feel the need to honk the horn on their cars (setting the alarm) REPEATEDLY all night. One time it went on till like two in the morning. Now have you ever done such a thing? Mind you that the neighbors on the other side of them are ALWAYS yelling and fighting in their belligerent drunken stupors. 

I know this isn't much of a "profile" for said neighbors. But as well as that, they run in the house and slam the door if you wave at them. I think they're just weird.

They also have these friggin' wind chimes, huge ass wind chimes that are constantly making noise. I thought about putting on a ski mask and confiscating those bad boys, but they probably have security cameras. I hope they don't stalk me.. Not that my name is on here or anything. Like they even know my name! Ha haa ha. No.

Finals are coming up! What What. I'm nervous about spanish.

And I seriouslyyyyy can not wait to get my new camera.

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This is an amazing book that I am currently reading, you should buy it!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Subject Two

How are y'all doin' on this fine Alabama mornin'?! hmmmm?
Not all southerners are hicks. Just so you know that. 

Okay! To business. 

This person is about thirty years old, still living with their parents. Literally still talks like a baby. Never is this okay for any normal human beings. 

This person claims to only like being around the elderly, babies, or animals. With that being said, they have worked at nursing homes, daycares, and owns ten dogs and a few cats.. And lives in a trailer. 

Yes, I know, absolutely bonkers right!?

Well I see this situation as someone/someones who like to feel like they are in power of their surroundings. Example A. While working at daycares they pinch the children when misbehaving. (Which is why I hate day cares, you can trust NO ONE.) Along with doing other awful things like holding children's lip down to their teeth to cause pain to them for "back-talking" them. 

Now, this is just me but if these sorts of things were happening to my child I personally would take control of the matter. In an eye for an eye sort of manner. People who hurt children are especially evil in my eyes.

But don't think I don't believe in punishments. Spare the rod, spoil the child. I wouldn't discipline someone else's child is the point, not like that at least.

This case goes along with the previous one I wrote of. Everything handed to them on a silver platter. Which is actually very literal here. Gluttony is what I am speaking of. What kind of person goes to someone's house, the day after Thanksgiving and wipes out their leftovers? And then asks for a tub of icing. Someone who obviously has problems with mirrors, I mean like seeing what's in them. Is this sort of thing denial? I think not if you're in weight watchers and I quote "gaining weight on weight watchers".

Well, that may have something to do with your food consumption, my dear. No, you are not supposed to eat entire tubs of icing. Nor should you intake five cupcakes in five minutes. I believe Willy Wonka had something to say of these types of people.

And God forbid anyone speak of this "Learning" stuff people do. 
I honestly don't understand this one a bit. I don't even wanna go there, that one is so strange and just idiotic, literally.

Alright, now this person has a significant other who is all of a sudden the one to find all of these things that turn up missing. Such as: important paperwork in the car had gone missing, who do you think is the one to find it? Yours truly. Next it's wallets, $200, cellular devices. Guess what the "logical" explanation for such occurrences are. No, go ahead and guess it. 
GHOSTS. Yeah. These are the time of people that refuse to watch Medium because it's not right, "Against God" sort of junk. And hey, I love Jesus but watching a friggin television show won't change my religion. I don't know about you but hey.

Okay I'm done with my ranting for now.

Peace and chicken grease.

Or anything by Sylvia Plath for that matter.

Subject One

For my first act, I present to you a human being. I don't know all that much of this human, but from what I can tell I don't like too much.

The subject grew up quite rich from what I can tell, and have heard. Being in private schooling their entire life did not effect their education from the looks of it. Obviously getting everything their heart desires and in return doing nothing. Okay, so this person is in college. Never ever does homework even the simplest of things. In theory -well more like stereotyping- these people become doctors and lawyers. In this case, "doing coke, but not on the reg" is their type of lifestyle indeed. When class is canceled what does this person do? Go score some dope downtown.

Not trying to level or anything, but I'm a drop out. Stereotyping-wise this should be me. The difference, I think is that I was taught to learn things for myself. Not everything is handed to you on a silver platter. (Not that I have a job, I am grateful for my possessions and take care of my things with great care.) Nonetheless, to my experience -and in a way this is stereotyping, but more like my observations- people who get everything that they want usually don't take care of their things because "Hey, who cares, if I break it my daddy will just buy me another one"

The importance of material possessions is absurd to me. The way people hold iPhone's and fine cars up on pedestals like those are the only things that really matter is just ridiculous. This "Keeping up with the Jones'" mentality is what is destroying the nation.

Everyone wants this "free money, change" kinda garbage. What for? All the people that don't have jobs or anything can get more freebies. And for the record, nothing is free.

I'm not all that informed on politics, that's why this isn't about politics. Anyways, what I'm getting at is that the things you own do not define you as a person. (Yes, fight club changed my life) You are not your effing khaki's or the contents of your wallet.

Who you are as a person and what you do for others is what matters. And I'm not talking about giving your little sister twenty bucks on her birthday and feeling good about it. I mean like volunteer work, making stuff for other people. Whether it's cookies, a personalized photo collage, a hand made card. Anything that you actually put some thought into, so that it actually means something.

My psychology teacher told my class that there was a study done at Harvard I think to see what people wanted in the long term spectrum of their lives. Majority said that they wanted to be rich and they valued money rather than relationships and having a family. This information deeply saddened me. That's the exact opposite of what the world should be like. Money means nothing. It's just paper. Yeah it pays the bills and blah blah blah. But it means more than having a family? Money will not buy you happiness. If I were completely alone and had a million dollars, I more than likely would not be that happy of a girl. I mean the money wouldn't make me sad, but think about the people that you would attract if you suddenly became rich. Probably not the people that would hang around you if you had no money.

That sorta went off topic.. But people need not put things on such a high pedestal. Cherish instead family, friends and the intimate moments you spend in this world. Give thanks to God for blessing you with so much. Be truly grateful for the things that you do have than be sad for the things you don't.

Well with all of that off of my chest, God bless and please keep reading.
And subscribe!


Friday, November 26, 2010


Today I made a list of things for me to accomplish, it hopes that it would it fact inspire me to get them done.

What I discovered about myself is that I am quite easily distracted. Of course I already knew this detail about myself, but I get distracted by things that I am seeking inspiration from, therefore it's a never-ending cycle of me not finishing anything. Although this in itself is getting one thing checked off my list.

I want to be creative was my main objective. I've been stuck on youtube all day. As well as watching The Secret Window, desperately searching for some sort of *unmph* in my day. So with my ranting and what-not done, I am going to write this well and be proud of it. I really do hope that I can make this thing a real thing and actually have at least a few subscribers. I know I'm nothing too fun, and I'm not quite living up to my description of the title.. But I think I will be soon. The thing is, majority of the people that I analyze and critique in my head (and secretly and in code names my laptop) are people that I know... and are related to. So! I don't want to hurt people's feelings, but it's for the sake of my science and learning of other people's behaviors. Maybe I'll be a fabutacular Psychologist one day, I don't know. But really that would be breaking the whole rules of doctorness, talking about patience and all..

It is my dream to be a Psychologist. That is my major and all. I am mostly intrigued by criminals and young mothers. I for one am a young mother, never a crook. Well there was that one time in Walmart... Um. Yes I want to help people become better people by talking to me about their problems. I have a huge heart, I just don't know too many of the right people to show my love and compassion to is all.

Yes, I also would LOVEEE love love love to become an author.
Because, I have a child. And I for one, completely hate public schooling. and private schooling. any organization for that matter. I just don't trust other people really. Not with my son's education at least. Anywhozzle, my dream job would be to have an amazing book going and get paid awesome money for it. I know I can if i really reallly tried. Because I have dictionaries, tons of coffee, and an imagination Dr. Suess would want. Alright maybe not him. He is probably my favorite author for the record. I absolutely adore all of his books, I read them to my son on the daily. But back to my point, I want to be a writer and homeschool my son. And buy me a house in the middle of the woods with a pond, and a white picket fence, tons of gardens. Yada yada yada. Notice I did NOT say Prince Charming? Yeah he wasn't all that nice in Shrek.

But hey! I am about to go read my dictionary. Why? Because that's what all 19-year-old gals do on Friday nights, DUH.

My final paper is coming up soon, I can't believe I am almost done with my first semester of college. I didn't even think that I would go. It's crazy where life takes you!

I say good day.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Where can you find it?

The motivation people have has always baffled me. I try so hard to want to do something and complete it, but I find failure and then someone always tears me down.

It has always been quite intriguing to me to see all of these ambitious people in hollywood and around me at school. But around my house and family, it's the total opposite. Are some people just more ambitious and focused than others?

Why is it that so many people want to see others fail miserably? So that they feel better about themselves?
I think that majority of people who are actually successful and can complete tasks have good examples of people doing such things.

I guess you could say it's lazy, or making up excuses. But I just find it extremely hard to stay focused on things. Having a three-year-old running around me constantly can be quite distracting.. When given things to do for school although, I can get them done no problem, when I understand it.

Musicians truly amaze me how they can organize their thoughts and emotions to make them so beautiful and organized..