When sitting in the garage of a friend's house, I like to watch people and try to understand their exact moods and emotions. It's often dead on correct, probably because I am around them all of the time and I pretty much have them figured out.
To my right, you have Bree, who is sipping on her vodka sunrise and puffing on her Misty. Trying to read lips of the weather man on the local news and drowned out by who's overwhelmingly loud voice is booming over everything. Simultaneously, Thomas sips on his Natural Light and puffs on his Winston.
Now I still am trying to wrap my head around this whole addiction thing the whole world seems to have grown accustomed to. It's become second nature to be consumed with the whole concept of living in a daze. I understand people want to escape from responsibility, be dare devils. Rebel against what their mother says to do because it's "the cool thing to do". The ultimate excuse I always hear is "It's just impossible to quit once you start". Well if that were true couldn't someone else say "It's impossible to start"? I mean anyone can make an excuse for their behavior, but can people take full responsibility of their actions and change?
It seems so rare to find people who aren't completely wrapped up in their own 'mindless self indulgences'. Some choose to be the exact opposite of the common world. Some feel like absolute aliens because they don't try to tear their bodies apart with drugs, alcohol, pills or excess foods. Rather than criticize people for being so idiotic, try to encourage them to change their life. Even though most of the time you cannot change someone's mind. When you find yourself analyzing someone, think of how you can get to the positive side of the situation and make their life better.
“The major source of human misery is the neglected, wounded child within each of us”
Freud would always ask "What was your mother like?" because he believed that your parents
had the most influence on us.
True to many of people, but majority rely on friends and significant
True to many of people, but majority rely on friends and significant
others for their "survival". Of course it would not be safe to say "Sure abuse your kids, it wont matter in the long run to them". I am torn on the subject myself. (Again remember, psychology is labeled a "fuzzy science") Personally, my parents are vital to me. Their opinions matter to me more than anyone's because I truly value them and am interested in what they have to say because I know they only want to see me succeed. I cannot say the same for my peers because we are all in the same boat and they want to succeed more than they would want to see me succeed.
What I am getting at is that people need structure and boundaries. They need good discipline in their home life, and work life. Loving parents and deep spiritual/religious foundation. "Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls. The most massive characters are seared with scars" by Kahlil Gibran You'd be amazed by what you can accomplish when your life is at stake. When you have endured all you think you can you can be completely submerged back to life and bounce back like nothing ever happened. But it did and it will make you a better person to have gone through rough times and overcome them. Self satisfaction of rising above what you thought was impossible is the greatest thing one can accomplish.
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