
Monday, November 29, 2010

Subject Threeish

So I just witnessed a man driving down my street quite fast on what I could tell was a tractor. No, it was not for a company either like Degussa or Aspludh or however you spell it. It was definitely farmer Brown. 

Now, I am doing this instead of my math homework because, I am passing that class and math is just irrelevant to my major. It's the only math class I have to take and my teacher is just a robot with two different colored eyes. I bet she's an alien. That makes me want to read my favorite alien book ever. ESCAPE FROM THE TWISTED PLANET, that is. You should totally go buy it and read it. Um, it's a really old book by the way so it may be sorta hard to locate.

Tomorrow I must go back to school (and of course it's going to be raining! :() For like two weeks then I will be officially done with my first semester of college! I know I announced that in my last entry, but who cares I'm excited to have completed something successfully for once!

Enough about moui, it's time to talk about some of my neighbors, because hey everybody has crazy neighbors right?

Okay, so this couple never ever has any friends or family or anybody for that matter visit them. I know it sounds sad and all, but hey if I could do that.. Probably wouldn't hear too many stories from me. 

Well, my family comes to visit for every holiday. And pretty often in between they come hang out 'cause they love us so much. HA.
Whenever we have company, my neighbors start to throw these passive aggressive temper tantrums. Oh, what do you I mean by that you ask? They feel the need to honk the horn on their cars (setting the alarm) REPEATEDLY all night. One time it went on till like two in the morning. Now have you ever done such a thing? Mind you that the neighbors on the other side of them are ALWAYS yelling and fighting in their belligerent drunken stupors. 

I know this isn't much of a "profile" for said neighbors. But as well as that, they run in the house and slam the door if you wave at them. I think they're just weird.

They also have these friggin' wind chimes, huge ass wind chimes that are constantly making noise. I thought about putting on a ski mask and confiscating those bad boys, but they probably have security cameras. I hope they don't stalk me.. Not that my name is on here or anything. Like they even know my name! Ha haa ha. No.

Finals are coming up! What What. I'm nervous about spanish.

And I seriouslyyyyy can not wait to get my new camera.

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This is an amazing book that I am currently reading, you should buy it!

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