
Friday, December 3, 2010

Taking Responsibility

You know psychology is labeled a "fuzzy science" meaning that people are all different so there isn't quite one exact diagnosis for why people to what they do. Which makes it all that more interesting.

Do you ever find yourself wondering why some families have relatives that are addicts and some sing in the choir? You share 50% DNA with your sibling, if you have the same parents. It's amazing how some people that were raised in pretty much the same environment can be so incredibly different.

I know everyone wonders from time to time why do people do the things that they do.
It's the most common thought probably. Because this is not a perfect world and there just isn't a good enough explanation for some things.

Parents should not be blamed as often for having bad children, nor should they get as much credit for their successful children.

The reason why? It's not just how your parents treat you. Sure that is a huge factor in it, especially if you're around them a lot. But once you get older, you have the choice to pick your own friends and you choose what you do with your free time. Whether it's drug dealing in the slums or reading Ayn Rand. Life is all about choices. Your parents will not always be there to tell you not to do something because children know how to lie.

You are a product of your environment and the way that you perceive things to be.

Unless you were locked in the house all day long with nothing but your parents, you can't truly blame your parents completely. Even then, at some point you have to take responsibility for who you are and stand out. Take pride in what you are. Figure out who you want to be and what you want to do. You are your own person.

You can achieve anything that you set your mind to.

My new student seminar teacher said something to us in class that I think about every day, and I hope it effects you in the same manner.

"You become what you think about the most"
-James Conners

God Bless!

The same teacher recommended my class buy this book, it looks so interesting.

I'm gonna buy it asap, you should too!

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